What is Shoulder Instability?


· orthopedic injuries,Health

Shoulder instability is the condition characterized by slipping of the upper arm bone out of its socket. This could occur due to several reasons where trauma is most common. This condition makes it difficult for the person to use the shoulder to its complete range of motion while causing pain with every movement.

Shoulder instability is a common type of injury that is seen in athletes or sportspeople, and in some cases, the injury is so severe that surgery might be required for the treatment.

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Shoulder joint is one of the most complex and biggest joints in our body. It is required for doing many day-today activities. Thus, any injury to this joint may prevent us doing such activities. Different types of shoulder instability include:

Shoulder Dislocation and Subluxation

Traumatic injury can cause forceful subluxation or dislocation of the humeral head. This could result in shoulder instability. Subluxation is when the joint partially moves out of its place whereas in the case of dislocation, complete displacement of the humeral head occurs.

Labral Tear

A tear in the labrum is also the cause of shoulder instability and this occurs either after shoulder dislocation or shoulder trauma. Sometimes, repetitive movements also result in labral tear while causing shoulder instability.

Genetic Condition

Some people have loose shoulder ligaments by birth and hence, they can experience shoulder instability without any significant cause. Such people may even experience shoulder instability when they pick up a little weight like a bucket filled with water.

What Causes Shoulder Instability?

In most cases, trauma is the commonest cause of shoulder instability like falling right on the shoulder or a high-energy impact on the shoulder with a solid object. In some cases, athletes may experience shoulder instability with repetitive shoulder movements.

What Are the Symptoms of Shoulder Instability?

Pain in the affected shoulder is often experienced in the case of instability. Besides this, loss of range of motion is also noticed. Shoulder instability also causes swelling and tenderness to the touch.

In most cases, the affected person feels the shoulder coming out of its place. Some overhead movements increase pain episodes in affected people

How is the Condition Diagnosed?

The diagnosis of shoulder instability starts with a physical examination where the doctor examines the range of motion of the affected joint along with painful movements. The healthcare service provider may also gently press the affected joint to notice tenderness.

To confirm the condition and assess its severity, imaging tests like X-rays, MRIs, and/or CT scans may be performed.

How Shoulder Instability is Treated?

The treatment of the condition depends on the severity depicted by the diagnostic reports. In most cases, targeted physical therapy along with the application of a brace and medication to improve pain and swelling are effective for the treatment. While on the other hand, severe cases or conditions with other shoulder injuries may require surgical intervention.

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